Learning #13 From Learning to Growing: The Journey of Breaking Free from Shadows and Unleashing Your Potential

There is a difference between learning and growing. We can take a course and learn new things, but that doesn't mean that we are growing. When we grow, we change; we become different. Growth is a natural process that happens every day.

When you postpone that special project or idea that you have always wanted to do, you create a shadow that will follow you, push you down, and make you feel stuck. It doesn't matter the topic – playing guitar, exercising, taking a trip, writing a book, etc. Every day, month, or year that passes by, the shadow becomes heavier, slowing down your growth.

The good news is that if you finally find a way to work on that project, your shadow disappears, and your body will feel lighter than ever. You will experience freedom, but it won't be easy. There is a reason you have been postponing it. You may need help – a friend, coach, teacher, or even enrolling in a course or paying for an expensive subscription. Whatever works, even if it is uncomfortable, the results will be worth it.

And in the worst-case scenario, if your project fails, it won't matter anymore. You have become a new, lighter, and freer person with nothing holding you back from growing.

Thx for reading.


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